
Fee payment is required monthly in advance by bank transfer/ child care vouchers.

Corby Glen Preschool encourages prompt payment but recognises that at times some parents/carers may experience financial difficulties. Corby Glen Preschool will ensure that no child/children/families are penalised should this situation arise. Corby Glen Preschool will endeavour to arrange a payment plan that is acceptable to both parties, enabling the child/children to continue to attend. All financial matters will be dealt with the utmost sensitivity and consideration and in confidence.

In the event of non-payment:

  • The Manager will liaise with the parent/carer concerned.
  • A payment plan will be agreed if necessary.
  • Where unmet payments continue, after one month the Chair of committee will liaise with the parent/carer to arrange payment options to resolve the issues.
  • However where there is no resolution, fees remain outstanding or the debt is increasing, the child’s/children’s place may be withdrawn.

Tax Credit – Corby Glen Preschool is registered with Ofsted, therefore, where appropriate, parents/carers are able to claim child tax credit. Details are available upon request.

Childcare Vouchers – Corby Glen Preschool is registered with several companies and accepts childcare vouchers. Details are available on request

This policy has been adopted by Corby Glen Preschool.